So I'm a huge youtube junkie!!! love anyone that talks makeup & life (especially the mummy's of youtube being a mummy myself :))
I love watching all kind of videos but do have my faves....sprinkleofglitter, fleurdeforce, zoella280390, Tanya burr, kandee Johnson ,umbumgo, and my new current fave that i discovered last month is Stephanie Connolly (shes fab check her out)
The years of watching these fab youtubers spurred me to start this blog, as I'm not yet confidant enough to put my face on camera. But i do wanna put my love for all things girly to that brings me here!! and as i love all their videos from reviews,tutorials,tags, vlogs and even their good old rambling to the camera.... i really do love it all.... I'm gonna put all mine to here "my little piece of me land." Where only people like me will understand the love for as my blog name says all things princess. So as i love a good old tag video i thought I'd do my first tag and do the Advice for my teenage self tag !!
So the questions are:
* 3 makeup/fashion do's for your teenage self
*3 makeup/fashion dont's for your teenage self
*A deep and meaningful piece of advice for your teenage self
*1 tip for school
*1 tip for friends
*1 tip for fun
* 3 DO'S
DO moisturise your skin and don't think just cause your 13 you don't have to do it, i suffer with really bad dry skin and moaned about it then and believed moisturisers was for old Lady's ha ha poor skin!
Do go for it with that "black" mascara its not gonna kill ya ,i stuck with clear mascara for years through school looking back it done nothing for my lashes but back in 1998 i thought i looked the bee's knees.
Do think about your fashion sense it was terrible Clair, what was you thinking!!!
DONT try and home dye your hair with a box blond colour (wanted to go barbie blond).....the orange look really did not suit me whats so ever ha ha.
DONT wear them horrid Adidas tracksuit bottoms, the ones that had all the different colour stripes and the kappa poppers. you know the ones???.....the ones that your school friends took great pleasure in ripping them open to your embarrassment....yes you thought you looked brill Clair but quite frankly you looked like the original chav!!!
DONT just pick up any cheap foundation that you can find in the shops and pay for it without testing the colour ......then getting it home and wearing it despite it being well to dark for your face.....surely i looked odd!!! yet no one thought of asking why my face was alot darker to my neck....oh and even if your gonna wear that super dark foundation cause it was in the bargain basket for 99p do blend it
Don't be afraid to be yourself.....don't worry what others think of life for now...the people who you was afraid to be yourself with,where are these people now?? have these people made any impact on my NOW life?? do i see these people??? answer to this is to my teenage self live everyday for everything that makes you happy, don't worry,take chances , speak your mind!! will give you a great start for your adult life.
Don't stand for the bully's...don't let anyone make you feel anything less then you out about it and save yourself 3 years of suffering.
Take more photos with your you will look back and wish you had the photos to go with the memories or the faces of old friends start to become fuzzy 15 years on.
Just have fun fun fun still be the sensible girl you was at 13 but go and enjoy your younger years! as i say to my 12 year old niece you will never get these younger years back...To the 13 year old Clair life is not gonna end if you go out and don't do that one bit of homework ..take every fun adventure that's thrown at you and grab it with both hands, just enjoy life!!!!... being 13 should be amazing young and carefree.
Thanks for reading, if you read this you are tagged to!!!.....if you have a youtube channel or want to share your faves please do, love finding new channels.
I love seeing my blog statistics are going up so pleased people are reading my blog please share, follow and spread the word.
TWITTER pinkpinkprinces
speak soon guys!!
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